PIC Abolition Tutorial is a web project created to introduce the concept of the Prison Industrial Complex (PIC) and the PIC Abolition movement to those unfamiliar with them. As the PIC is a broad, complex issue, this website does not hold all relevant information about it, how to resist against it, and answers to all possible questions. Likewise, the PIC Abolition movement has a long history that cannot be fully encapsulated in a short web project. However, this project serves the important purpose of standing as a starting point to help people imagine alternatives to the retributive justice system in which most of the world functions under. When most of the conversations we have about justice and media we see on the topic show police and prisons as the only appropriate response to harm, it becomes difficult to imagine a world without them, no matter the harm they cause. With the never-ending presence of police brutality and conversations about police reform at its height, it has never been more important to push the conversation one more step forward to realize the systemic harms that the PIC causes in and envision a society without it.
Created by: Brian (Hyunje) Park | IML 300 Spring 2023