The Prison Industrial Complex (PIC) is a term used to describe overlapping that use tools such as policing, imprisonment, criminalization, and surveillance as solutions to economic, social, and political problems.

Through its reach and impact, the PIC helps and maintains the authority of people who get their power through racial, economic and other privileges.

There are many ways this power is collected and maintained through the PIC, including creating mass media images which keep alive stereotypes of people of color, poor people, queer people, immigrants, youth, and other oppressed communities as criminal, delinquent, or deviant.

This power is also maintained by earning huge profits for private companies that deal with prisons and police forces; helping earn political gains for “tough on crime” politicians; increasing the influence of prison guard and police unions; and eliminating social and political dissent by oppressed communities that make demands for self-determination and reorganization of power in the US.